Hello lovelies! I also talk about how busy my days are, but I realized I never actually discussed in detail how my day goes. I would say this day (a Tuesday) was a pretty typical Tuesday, but depending on whether I am working that day or have various meetings or things to do, my days throughout the week vary quite a bit. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to take you hour by hour through my day, while also showing you everything that went into my face. 😉 Here we go.
6:55 My alarm obnoxiously rings with Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood blaring way too loud. I spring out of the bed to turn it off before Roomie wakes up (best way to get out of bed is to keep your alarm away from your bed).
6:55-8 Getting ready for my first class and then doing some blog reading while I eat my breakfast. This is one of my favorite parts of the day.
Breakfast was overnight oats with quite a bit of almond butter that lined the jar. I’ve been looking forward to making this for like a week, but the timing was never right. Don’t even ask LOL. But my overnight oat recipe is always the same and can be found in this post. Enjoyed with some Trader Joe’s chai tea with a splash of almond milk.
8-9:15Â Psych class. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have an 8am class, and it’s as brutal as it sounds. Never again. It’s a great class, though, and I’m only a little squinty as I struggle to keep my eyes open.
9:15-10:45 Walk back to my dorm, change into workout clothes, and do this cardio and this ab routine in the room. LOL thank goodness for our spacious room for days when I’m too lazy to go to the gym. Then change back to normal people clothes and head out again.
10:45-12:30 Meet Georgetown Bestie at Sweetgreen for our weekly Tuesday lunch. I get my usual salad. Kale, miso veggies, sweet potato, carrots, cherry tomatoes, tofu, and portabella mushrooms with a balsamic vinaigrette. Sometimes I finish the whole thing, sometimes not. Today I got through about 3/4 before I tapped out. Hunger is dynamic, y’all, so don’t be weirded out if you’re super full from one meal on one day and still hungry from that same meal the next day. Just trust your bod. 😀
12:30-1:45 Macroeconomics class. I furiously take notes while dreaming about the coffee I’m going to get right after.
1:45-3:30 Grab coffee from the on-campus coffee shop and run to my Sociology class. My Sociology class buddy bailed on class today, so I’m all alone, but I have my coffee so I’m not too bitter. 😉
3:30-4:45 Microeconomics lecture. Majorly struggling to pay attention during this one, but the caffeine buzz helps. Spend most of the time dreaming about lounging on my couch during Easter break. I also snack on a Quest bar.
4:45-5:30 Meet with my mentor on campus. I mentioned here that I wanted to talk to someone for a while, and it was nice to just let out a lot of things. Felt quite a bit lighter afterward.
5:30-6:30 Work on typing up this post while enjoying the rest of my kombucha and listening to Taylor Swift. I’ve been having a moment with her old songs. They always make me feel so dang nostalgic. This kombucha flavor is new to me, and while not my favorite, it’s pretty good! Whole Foods was out of my fave Trilogy flavor unfortunately.
6:30-7 Do some Econ homework until my stomach grumbling becomes sufficiently distracting and forces me to go seek out some dinner.
7-8 I go out to the dining hall and grab dinner to go. This is chicken, some veggies and chickpeas in tomato sauce, and brown rice with lentils.
Georgetown Bestie suddenly surprises me with a visit and a carrot cake cupcake from Baked and Wired because she’s the sweetest. I happily supplement my dinner with 3/4 of the cupcake, especially because the rice is not good at all, and I was still hungry after just the veggies and chicken.
While I eat, I treat myself to The Crown but dutifully turn it off when I’m done eating so I can tackle my last big assignment before break — a Psych paper.
8-8:30 Choose my workout and outfit for the next day, scroll around on Instagram, text people. PROCRASTINATION!
8:30-1:30 Finally tucker down and finish my essay while wrapped in a blanket burrito-style and sipping on almond milk because I was randomly craving it. #reallife.
Apparently writing papers for 5 hours works up a serious appetite because I also snacked on a Granny Smith apple with peanut butter and a couple squares of 85% dark chocolate.
Breathe a huge sigh of relief and go downstairs to print. Since I’m already out of the room, I decide to visit my three guy friends who conveniently all live in the same room in the neighboring building. I chat with them for a bit, wish them an awesome Easter break, and say goodbye.
1:30-2 Go through my night routine (P.S. lemme know if you wanna see a dedicated post on my night-time routine bc it’s actually a pretty important and constant thing in my life, and I’d love to share it with y’all if you’re interested!)
LOL totally wasn’t planning on going to bed at 2 today, but such is life, and thankfully I get to sleep in until 9am tomorrow. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday, and I’ll talk to you real soon!
Linking up with Laura for What I Ate Wednesday
Best thing you ate recently?
Working on a paper for 5 hours would kick up a SERIOUS appetite. I’d need like a bucket of chocolate to get me through. Thank god Easter is coming. Now I want chocolate.
I always want chocolate.
I’m glad you got to your mentor to talk out some things. I do hope you felt lighter after and that it’s set you up so you can have a truly restful break.
Cora recently posted…What My Life Looks Like Right Now (Week In Review)
Definitely feeling so much better and just like I have more on a handle on a lot of things I felt kind of helpless and lost about. And haha YAS FOR CHOCOLATE BUCKETS!
What a busy day! And up until 2am? wow I’m such a old fart I go to bed around 9:30pm! Best thing I ate all week was carrot cornbread, lots of it with orange honey cream!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com recently posted…Cornbread Croutons and a WIAW
Hehe omg 9:30pm I WISH! Goals for tonight LOL; provided the bus isn’t late, I have no reason to stay up late tonight save for cuddling with my dog for too long 😉
busy but good day- i love reading day in the life posts. overnight oats in an empty pb jar are the besttt. thank god for afternoon coffee. keeps me going too on long days, or kombucha!
Alyssa recently posted…Freedom Friday #4
Yes! Better yet, both coffee and kombucha :p