Yesterday was a WEIRD day. All day, I was weirdly un-hungry. Like it would take me hours to feel hungry, and even then, it would just be the slightest pang, so I’d be like, “okay I guess I SHOULD eat something.”
Let me just say, this is highly unusual for me. I’m normally pretty hungry like every 3 hours, so that was pretty bizarre. I blame my cold.
Also, in full disclosure, I am writing this as my eyes are literally closing even though it’s not even 11, which means I’m going to do my best to make this cohesive and then go straight to bed.
Oh and I’d love if you’d go check out this Instagram post I put up yesterday because it sort of describes my current state of mind. Actually, after writing that and journaling a bunch and just thinking, I’m feeling so much more inspired and excited. I can’t wait for the various adventures I want to embark on. Now I just need the universe to help me out a little. 🙂
Okay, here’s the food.
I wasn’t even that hungry for this, but I always eat something before my 8am class because 1) it’s necessary to stay awake and 2) it’s a really small class, and grumbling stomach noises are VERY conspicuous. Also I was super excited to try this flavor because everyone and their mother was raving about this one on Instagram. So when I saw it on the shelves at Whole Foods, I knew I had to grab it. Verdict? Definitely delicious, but I still prefer the nut butter flavors.
LOL okay, so this came roughly 6 hours after breakfast because like I said, hunger was nonexistent, but this was a cheese stick, a square of matzo brei (a traditional Jewish Passover recipe that my grandma made and packed for me to take to college, bless her heart), and a couple of these cookies that I baked a few days prior.
I also had half a bottle of my favorite Trilogy kombucha in Sociology to wash everything down. So I guess that was lunch? LOL vegetables were absent at this party.
Next up, in a couple hours, I ate a Quest bar to hold me over through Micro lecture.
A few hours after that, I worked up quite an appetite (finally) after running to a professor’s office hours and then doing phone calls to admitted Georgetown students (so fun!).
I grabbed a to-go meal from the dining hall, which was this potato bake thing, almond crusted trout, and roasted green beans. Actually pretty good, especially when I doused the whole thing in Sriracha LOL. (And yes, I own one of those sriracha portable containers. It was a birthday gift from Roomie.)
Oh, and a collagen matcha tea was enjoyed at some point in my sassy mug.
And that was my day. Okay, ta ta pickles, I’m off to bed!
Linking up with Laura for What I Ate Wednesday
Best thing you ate recently?
I go to bed around 9:30 so for me 11 is like the middle of the night. I can’t say I have had a non-hungry day that I remember. Permanently hungry! I love the to go box, I glob ketchup on everything, and I to have a portable one. recently posted…April Snow Showers and WIAW – Looneyforfood
Hahaha I’m sure you can use the sriracha ones for ketchup! :p
I had one of those not hungry days today. It was so weird! Super jealous of the matzo brei!!! That stuff is the jam. I’d eat it whether I was hungry or not!
I know, so good! Only way I really participate in the festivities hehe!
Bahaha portable siracha. That’s too good. People love their hot sauce don’t they. I hate spicy… so I don’t get it…
Our bodies just do their own thing sometimes. Somedays we’re ravenous, other days we aren’t hungry at all. Who knows.
Cora recently posted…Easter At Home, 2018
Totally! LOL the other day, my psych prof commented on my sriracha bc it was hanging on my backpack, and I was just like, “yeah it’s portable hot sauce…what?”
totally normal somedays for our hunger cues to be non existent. it’s so interesting how our bodies work- but either way, gotta fuel ourselves to have energy and be happy!
Alyssa recently posted…Half-way through the semester!
Absolutely, Lyss!
I need someone to recommend the best product among those listed on this site?