Hello, and welcome to a very sickly edition of WIAW! Because I am probably one of the 3 and a half people who got sick right as the summer began. Honestly! To top it off, it was the kind of sick where I had a fever and was totally bedridden, which hasn’t happened in YEARS. Like I’m pretty sure it’s been around 8 years since my last fever. Thankfully, I only had one day like that, and the rest were just sniffles and coughs.
While I can’t know for sure, I do think the reason I was able to get over this gnarly ailment so quickly is all the natural remedies I used; I have my tried and true classics like ginger, lemon, and honey, but this time I actually went above and beyond, and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. Here’s a day of eats, featuring some serious kick-butt immune-boosting action.
We all know oatmeal and chocolate boost the immune system right?! Okay, so maybe not exactly but for whatever reason every day I was sick, I woke up craving nothing but oatmeal in the morning. It’s just so warm and comforting. This is one of my favorite Mexican Chocolate oatmeals that I topped with peanut butter, some TJ’s fruit-sweetened raspberry jam, and a square of dark chocolate. So delicious! I love that this guy has two egg whites, which is ample protein, and protein is particularly important when you’re sick to help your immune system fight harder!
I also decided to make some Turmeric Milk because that felt immune-boosting and I was craving something warm and creamy to drink with my oatmeal. I used this recipe and added half a teaspoon of honey,cinnamon, and a knob of pressed ginger. It was soooo good! Seriously, you guys, I’m never buying turmeric lattes out; the one I made at home was that delicious.
A random snack of this granola that I munched on while watching copious episodes of Big Bang Theory.
Followed up by this immune boosting elixir my mom got me yesterday. This guys is INTENSE. It’s orange juice, ginger, oregano extract, lemon juice, and Himalayan sea salt. Really clears the sinuses haha!
Here’s where I admit that I didn’t really have lunch and proceeded to snack away the afternoon because my appetite was wonky, and I was hungry, but nothing sounded good except for snacks.
I actually made this smoothie the day before, and though I technically put in enough ingredients for one smoothie, it came out to two since there was so much liquid. Dontcha love when that happens?
So the recipe (for 2, I suppose) was 2 handfuls kale, a handful frozen zucchini slices, 1/2 cup frozen riced cauliflower, a few slices fresh pineapple, half banana, half a lemon squeezed, a knob of ginger, turmeric, and a pinch of black pepper. You need the pepper to activate the anti-inflammatory powers of the turmeric! This guys packs an immune-boosting PUNCH.
After this half-smoothie, I took a walk with my dog, as my first official foray into the wilderness in 2 days. Woohoo, made it walking for an hour without feeling like I was gonna collapse. Winning!
When I got home, I was snacky again so I made myself a little plate with some different cheeses, carrots and hummus, and a Granny Smith apple.
I worked on this post and a couple others, then watched some more Big Bang Theory while stretching, and finally decided it was time for an actual adult meal. I heated up leftovers of this delicious ginger chickpea stir fry that I served over quinoa.
And then I heated up a cup of almond milk and drank it in bed while reading Harry Potter, tissues right by my side, until I was too exhausted to keep my eyes open. Ya know, being sick isn’t TOO bad when you don’t have classes to go to and have full access to all the possible immune-boosting essentials and simple pleasures of life. 😉
Hope some of these recipes come in handy when you’re next under the weather, or if you’re just feeling like being super #wellness. ‘Cause turmeric, ya feel?
Linking up with Laura for What I Ate Wednesday
What do you usually do when you’re sick?
Do you get fevers often?
Blerg sickness. Sounds totally uncomfortable, but you’re right, when you don’t have huge obligations and have access to things that can help kick out the bug, then at least that’s something. Ginger, turmeric, lemon… magic ingredients. If I’m not feeling good at work I do – literally – a shot of pure ginger, lemon, cayenne, and echinacea. It burns. It burns sooooo good. Hope you are feeling better now!
Cora recently posted…Day In The Life: A Day off In 2018 (What I Ate Wednesday)
Ooooh that shot sounds like it would kick anything gnarly STRAIGHT out! I am feeling loads better, thank you, Cora!
In Calvin and Hobbs, Calvin says that if you’re sick on a weekend or day off, you should get bonus credit for an extra day off once school starts up again. That ginger bomb does sound intense! I love ginger but…wow!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Things I’ve Been Doing to Reduce Waste in the Kitchen + Recent Eats
Hahahah I love that. And yes definitely intense!!
Hope your feeling better! I’m never hungry when I’m sick. Luckily I hardly ever get sick
Yeah, it totally depends on the ailment for me. Sometimes no difference in hunger; sometimes I can barely stomach a slice of toast.
I don’t get sick very often, but when I do I like to approach it the same way you did! Lots of immune-boosting foods, particularly lemon juice and ginger tea 🙂 And tons of sleep for sure!
Mackenzie @ Nibble to Nourish recently posted…Day in the Life + Work Week Meal Prep
Yes, sleep is everything!