Hello hello, my darling peoples! I am writing this in a pretty sleep deprived state, so please just bear with me. I briefly considered not writing this post because I am honestly SO knee-deep in schoolwork right now, but then I realized I actually really want to share my weekend with you because it was such a nice one, in the simplest and sweetest ways.
So Friday morning I embarked on a 4.5 hour long bus trip home for Columbus weekend because my mom’s birthday was the 6th, and I like to celebrate it with her.
I got a smoothie from Le Pain Quotidien for breakfast, and then I snagged a little brownie bite that they had on the sample bar (score!). The smoothie had strawberries, blueberries, almond butter, chia seeds, and almond milk.
The bus ride wasn’t too eventful; I did some schoolwork, some journaling, and some music listening.
Guys, let me tell you, this entire weekend was about Taylor Swift. I don’t know what it was, but I had this uncontrollable urge to listen to her songs. I sometimes get into those moods, ya know? 😉
Once I got home, we all got together as a family to celebrate my mom’s birthday. I wasn’t home for more than 5 minutes before my mom sent me straight into the kitchen to bake. I had volunteered previously, but still, dang!
I didn’t complain, though, because I always really miss baking while at college. I ended up making this healthier strawberry shortcake recipe, and it turned out delicious. Monique’s recipes always do.
Saturday was a very lazy day. I did minimal work, but I did go on a long walk with my mom and my dog, during which we talked for hours about life and adulthood and growing up and all that. I have so many thoughts on that, and I’ll definitely write more about it as I formulate them better, or maybe as I get closer to starting my next decade (ahhhh so close!).
I worked out, and then I basically alternated between writing an essay, texting my friends, and listening to more Taylor Swift.
Sunday I made my favorite signature banana oatmeal (god, I miss it so much in college), and then I ended up talking to my mom at the table for a good 3 hours. This time it was about love and relationships. Again, lots of thoughts. Need to formulate them better. But let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in reading! 🙂
And then I kicked my butt into gear and actually did quite a bit of work, interspersed with (surprise, surprise) more Tay plus those awesome 73 question videos from Vogue. I literally binge-watched them. One of my favorites is this one with Nicole Kidman; what a gem.
Monday my mom made some delicious banana pancakes, which I ate with Trader Joe’s mixed nut butter (a gift to mankind, really) and maple syrup. It was nice to have someone cook me breakfast for a change; I’m usually the chef in the family 😉
And then I took the bus back to school.
Once I got to campus, I did a quick Trader Joe’s run and then settled down with the remainder of my homework. Which, yes, I totally could have completed earlier in the week, but we all need that nothing time, eh? 😉
Tell me about your long weekend!
Linking up with Meghan for Week in Review!
I’m glad you were able to spend the weekend with your mom and celebrate her birthday. If you were making strawberry shortcake, I would have sent you right to the kitchen too. 🙂
Have a great week.
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets recently posted…Week in Review: The Translation Edition (#103)