Hi hi hello! It’s time for another food, outfit, and workout recap post because those seem to be the simplest and most efficient way for me to stay connected with you guys in this season. Trust me, in my ideal world I would be pumping out deep heartfelt posts for you all every week like I did in the summer, but for right now, I need to focus much of my energy and attention into certain other facets of my life.
I will say, though, that life has been good. Crazy but good. I will talk more about how exactly I’ve been doing and some updates on what’s to come in Friday’s post (it will be a bit of an unorthodox Fab Finds, but I think you’ll enjoy it.) If you’re missing some of my more soulful conversational posts, please head over to my Personal Growth tab, listen to the first few episodes of my podcast, or just use the search bar to see if I’ve already addressed something you’re wondering about! I feel like I often forget myself how much I’ve written on here, so sometimes it’s fun to deep-dive into the past haha.
For right now, let us dive into the meat (or baked tofu, which makes an appearance here!) of this post!
OMG guys these were so good. This was my second time making the regular Kodiak cakes and adding banana. This time I also added a handful of chocolate chips, and it was THE BEST DECISION. When in doubt, always add chocolate. Always. 😉
My fave pancake accompaniments are always almond butter and maple syrup, and I had some strawberries on the side too (holding onto the remnants of summer, perhaps?).
I also had a mushroom mocha along with them, and it just felt like the most luxurious breakfast, prepped in under 20 minutes!
I doubled the recipe and then enjoyed the same thing on Monday morning, which honestly transformed my entire day. Making a weekday feel like a weekend with small touches like a slow hearty breakfast, making time to savor your coffee, and just slowing down in the morning is one of my favorite things ever!
I got this frozen Trader Joe’s cauliflower stir fry a couple weeks back, and I decided to finally pull it out because our freezer is actually becoming preposterous. I baked some tofu using this recipe (SO GOOD AND CRISPY) and made the almond butter sauce from this recipe. I mixed it all together in the same pan where I heated up the stir fry, and it was so easy, quick, and delicious! Made enough for a couple meals too, which is THE BEST for this busy college gal.
I finally pulled out the flour and the loaf pan because my craving for pumpkin bread was becoming impossible to ignore. Also it was 11pm and I had just come back from watching A Star is Born (SO GOOD), so this was necessary. 😉
I used this recipe, which serendipitously had arrived in my inbox a couple weeks ago, and it was SO GOOD. And uh, I added chocolate chips. Of course.
Enjoyed a couple slices for breakfast the next day with a bit of almond butter and strawberries. So satisfying. I definitely need to bake more in college… Sometimes you just need the comfort of a baked good that nothing else will satisfy. Good thing I froze a couple slices for a rainy day 🙂
More pumpkin baked goods! Roomie and I had the best time on Saturday evening together. We went to Baked & Wired to celebrate a job offer she got that’s a HUGE ACHIEVEMENT (S/O to Roomie; I’m so proud of her). We both had to get the seasonal pumpkin cupcake that’s easily one of their best. Ugh that pumpkin cream cheese frosting though. My fave accompaniment is always the decaf iced almond milk latte. Even though it was definitely hot cider weather. :p And then we went shopping (more like window shopping for this broke chick, but it was still a blast).
And finally, a super delicious smoothie bowl for lunch yesterday! This guy had frozen blueberries, half of a frozen banana, a bunch of frozen spinach, a handful of frozen zucchini and frozen riced cauliflower, a spoonful of almond butter, and my favorite Vega chocolate protein powder. Plus cacao nibs on top, duh. 😀
Side note: I’m writing this right after eating that smoothie bowl, and I’m currently drinking a steaming mug of green tea because I am FREEZING. LOL catch me still eating smoothie bowls and wearing 5 layers in the winter. 😉
No Classpass classes this week, sadly, because I was just too busy, but I did have some great workouts nonetheless. Here were some of my faves!
This HIIT routine that I come back to quite often and STILL always leaves me sore
This yoga flow for when I was feeling sore but high-energy
This 30 minute ab, butt, and thigh Pilates sesh that I combined with this arm burner and quick back routine
This super fun kickboxing routine that I combined with this arm routine
This power yoga routine that includes jumping jacks and squats!
Absolutely adore this [] jumpsuit, and topped with a cardigan and booties on ma feet, it felt SO FALL. <3
Striped sweaters and black leggings are honestly a go-to fall outfit for me. Add some cute heeled black booties and a black leather jacket to complete the look and add a bit of “chic.”
Also here’s a link to my fave black leggings that work for both workouts and just daily life.
Are you guys enjoying these kinds of posts? What else do you want to see from me?
What do you usually enjoy your pancakes with?
Are you fully in the fall mindset yet, in terms of food and fashion, or are you still holding on to summer?
Mmmmm pumpkin cupcake!! You do dammmnnnn well in the cooking department for a college student. It’s all about resurfacing the leftovers!
Cora recently posted…Fab Finds Friday: “One Thing” Five Favorites