Hello lovely humans! I am so excited to bring you this podcast episode. Fun fact: I recorded this guy several weeks ago when I was still home for summer break, but funny enough, it feels even more relevant in my life right now.
Also, ironically, I sort of went for the HUSTLE this week to get this episode ready for you guys in time. It required a couple late nights and early mornings, but I did it, and I don’t regret it for a second because this was one of those times when the “hustle” felt like the right choice and like the opposite of a chore.
In this episode, I’ll go over my views on hustle and why I actually don’t believe the only way to achieve success is by foregoing your life and doing nothing but work. Or at least, it’s not for everyone. I also share my top personal tips on finding a balance between hustle and rest.
Finally, I’ll hit upon a point that Naomi actually inspired me to tackle about a month ago, when she mentioned in one of her comments that she often ruminates about the different kinds of rest there are. I tackle this here with my distinction between productive and soulful rest, both of which are valuable and important.
Main Takeaways
“Life is all about phases, and there are going to be times in your life when it’s all about the grind, and then there are gonna be phases when work takes the backseat and its all about the connection. And I don’t think either of those is bad or good; it’s just what it is. Once we give ourselves the grace to fully dive into that phase and fully accept it for what it is, and once we just trust that everything will fall into place and everything will balance out eventually, that is when we can truly be present in each of those separate phases.”
“Stop feeling like everything you need to do has to have some end result.”
Have at least one day a week where you incorporate soulful rest.
This episode is all about…
- An idea I took from Jess Lively’s interview with Jonathan Fields about the different buckets in our life that we must take care of to feel our best AND how this idea directly connects to this episode.
- My current state with these buckets and where I know I can improve and where I am content just as I am right now.
- Why I never liked the idea of being a “hustler” and why this mentality goes against what the bucket theory teaches us.
- The difference between conscious rest and laziness AND my personal example with fitness and finding the balance there.
- How I went from having my life entirely revolving around working out and doing homework to having those things be just a small part of my daily life AND how that made the biggest difference in my identity.
- When too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing; too much in one bucket does not make up for depletion in the other buckets and my visual of the flour in the measuring cup.
- Why I’d rather be working SMARTER not HARDER, and why that was such a hard pill for me to swallow as a former “busyness addict.”
- How being slower and not efforting has made me more productive and creative.
- Breaking down the different kinds of rest and why rest for rest’s sake is not the same thing as a scheduled break.
- Soulful rest vs. productivity rest and why we NEED soulful rest as much as productivity rest, and how that connects to spontaneity and being present.
Relavant Links
Jess Lively interview with Jonathan Fields
The Importance of Doing Nothing
How Slowing Down Can Make You More Productive
I’d so appreciate if you left me a review on iTunes, and send me an email or DM if you have any feedback on the podcast! For all those who already have, thank you so so much! <3
Instagram: @laughing_my_abs_off
Email: nicolerosalyn@laughingmyabsoff.com
Finally, I’d love if you would subscribe! That way, you never miss new episodes!
Stay tuned for Episode 5 coming out in 2 weeks!
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