Hello and welcome to the very first edition of Fab Finds Friday, the brainchild of My Little Tablespoon and Laughing My Abs Off where we share everything that inspired or moved us over the past week, month, or any span of time that tickles your fancy, and encourage you to do the same! That’s right, if you have a blog and you’re constantly getting inspired by things like podcasts, books, movies, etc. but then you find yourself inexplicably forgetting most of the tidbits of wisdom you are sure you will retain forever, well then this link-up is for you!
It’s a chance for you to compile all this inspiring content into a post and then share it with the world for all to enjoy and likewise be inspired. So what are you waiting for? Link up down below!
Welcome to Fab Finds Friday!
A chance to reflect, not on the things you did, but on the things that did something to you!
Whether it’s something you heard, a sentence you read, a quote that spoke to you, or even something you wrote yourself, if it inspired you and you want to share it with others, we want to know about it!
Make sure you have a hyperlink in your post to both Laughing My Abs Off and My Little Tablespoon. Then drop your link below and discover what inspired others. You never know when you’ll stumble upon the next life-changing nugget of wisdom. Happy Friday!
Fab Finds Friday #1
Highest Self Podcast Episodes 84, 88
I have recently found yet another podcast that is right up my inspiration alley. If you haven’t yet heard about Sahara Rose, well then you are definitely missing out! She is an ayurveda guru and generally a highly compelling voice in the wellness sphere. While listening to her podcast, I find myself transfixed and totally riveted.Episode 84 was a great one with Shannon Algeo all about meditation; they discuss the different forms meditation can take and why it’s actually so important as a daily practice. Episode 88 is a solo episode of hers that is all about creating more by doing less. Which is definitely something that has been on my mind as of late and something I am doing my best to practice.
I highly encourage you to check out those two if you’re in need of a little dose of meditation, as well as a whole bunch of other episodes on her podcast and her entire website!
5 Minute Journal Quotes
I mentioned earlier that one of the new practices I’ve implemented over the past summer is the 5 minute journal , which I write in every morning and night. It’s honestly one of my favorite daily rituals, and trust me, it makes a huge difference in how you feel starting and ending the day. One cool thing about it is each page has an awesome quote on top. I don’t always love that in journals; I find that oftentimes, the quotes written there are relatively trite and just go way over my head. However, with these, I actually get excited every day to see the quote because it makes me really pause and contemplate. Here are a few that were especially compelling for me.
“There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way.” -Christopher Morley
“Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.” -J.K. Rowling (Okay y’all know how I feel about this queen, but this quote especially resonated with me in the face of some political discourse I have been grappling with.)
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Ernest Hemingway
And perhaps the one that was most appropriate given the name of this blog…
“Laugh my friend, for laughter ignites a fire within the pit of your belly and awakens your being.” – Stella McCartney (And so I have been making an effort to watch at least one sitcom episode a day to make sure I get my daily dose of laughter in, especially if I spent all day alone).
Let It Out Podcast Episodes 137, 194
I’ve been obsessed with Katie’s podcast in the past few weeks; I’ve rediscovered it recently, and I can’t believe I ever took a hiatus. It’s so so good! The best thing is how varied the content is; there’s honestly an episode for every interest and mood (well, probably within the wellness space but if you’re reading this, you probably don’t mind that). One of my favorites recently was 137 with none other than Josh Radnor (aka the guy searching for The Mother in How I Met Your Mother). I had no idea how fascinating a person Josh is. The episode was over 2 hours long and I legitimately could have listened to him talk for another two. Low-key in love with this highly intuitive, deep, sweet, funny, and bafflingly down-to-earth guy.
194 was also great because it was with Jamie Mendell who I feel like would totally be an amazing best friend (ya know, if I were in the market for one). She’s so intuitive but also super honest, and you get the feeling that she does not sugar-coat the truth but also is compassionate and understanding enough that you don’t mind the tough love. Super great episode for anyone wanting to practice intuitive eating and living.
Big Magic Excerpt
I’ll end with an excerpt from this amazing book from none other than the wise Liz Gilbert (you may know her from the smash hit Eat Pray Love) that is all about creativity. A must-read for anyone who either is highly creative or considers themselves not creative at all. Basically a must-read for just about anyone; it will blow your mind, seriously. Here is an excerpt that stood out to me when I was reading the other day.
“Let people have their opinions. More than that- let people be in love with their opinions, just as you and I are in love with ours. But never delude yourself into believing that you require someone else’s blessing (or even their comprehension) in order to make your own creative work. And always remember that people’s judgments about you are none of your business.
Lastly remember what W.C. Fields had to say on this point: “It ain’t what they call you; it’s what you answer to.”
Actually, don’t even bother answering.
Just keep doing your thing.”– Elizabeth Gilbert
Honestly, this quote basically sums up how I aspire to live my life. It’s so well said, and though it’s not always easy to make yourself deaf to others’ opinions, sometimes it’s the only way to pave your own way. At the end of the day, it’s your life, not theirs.
And on that note…
Your turn!

wow, you are listening to all the podcasts i have been lovinggg lately! I also am really digging “your own magic” podcast! i think you would enjoy it 🙂
Alyssa recently posted…Freedom Friday #8
OMG that sounds RIGHT up my alley haha! I will def check it out, thanks girl!
Oh my gooooooood. Did I tell you I think this is a great idea? Seriously, each quote you’ve shared with us here just got me more and more and more jazzed. They are amazing!
That Morley quote. “There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way.” —-> This this this so much this. Again, as I am coming to terms with my life not being the shiny picture I always expected/wanted it to be, these reminders are huge. I don’t need “success” to be a success. I need to be happy being me.
And that Liz Gilbert quote. My god, that woman. I have yet to read her book but listened to her whole podcast. “Actually, don’t even bother answering…..Just keep doing your thing.” Damn.
Cora recently posted…Welcome To Fab Finds Friday #1!!
You would love that book! And yesssss I’m so excited we’re doing this; no one I’d rather be partners in crime with. And so glad that quote resonated <3