I had so many podcasts and blog posts I thought I was going to share with you guys, not to mention the Favorite Wellness Instagram post I promised last week, but you guys know I’m a pretty flow-y person when it comes to blog content, and recently my mind has been occupied with something quite specific that I would be remiss not to share with you today.
The thing occupying my mind? Magic.
Allow me to explain. I’ve always shared with you guys on here about how important the whole concept of magic is in my life, from my love for Harry Potter, to how I look at things that happen every day. Always seeking out the magic and making a conscious effort to notice the magical parts of life is something that has been instrumental and fairly constant in the past 20 years of my life. And yet, recently I’ve had moments of disconnect from this part of me. Almost like I’ve forgotten how to access it, and I know there’s a way to have it be constantly available, but I can’t quite see the path.
On that note, I’ve spent a LOT of time in the past few weeks reading articles, listening to Jess Lively’s podcast (which is blowing my mind again and again and offers a different view of the magic I speak of while still being totally aligned with my beliefs), and just trying all kinds of different new things. Things like crystals, intention-setting, and meditation. Things I always scoffed at in the past but are now genuinely feeling…right.
I’m still very much in the process of experimentation with all this, but I will absolutely keep you posted on my magical adventures.
Now this isn’t me suggesting that meditation, crystals, etc. are necessities in your life, not at all. But I am saying that if you, too, are craving a bit of extra magic in your life, then maybe they’re worth a shot. I think many of those things will give you as much as you put into them, though, so I wouldn’t go into it expecting miracles. Just stay open-minded and explore all the wonder and possibilities that are available to us all.
And now to some things I want to share!
How to awaken your senses and tune into cosmic energy
Pretty much exactly on par with what I was discussing in the intro. And I love how accessible it is. Also love that sleep is one of the tips because particularly this semester I’ve been prioritizing it, and it’s made a pretty huge difference in my sanity and well-being.
Unplug Meditation
Guys this app is amazing. As I am slowly dipping my toe into the world of meditation (and boy can that be an overwhelming journey at first) I am looking particularly for guided meditations that are not just breath-focused or mantras. For me personally, I’ve always preferred the visualization ones because I have an active imagination as is and so it kind of feels like I’m just daydreaming.
Unplug has SO MANY amazing guided meditations on their app (you can get a 7 day trial for free, which is what I’m doing right now). The one I did today was My Ideal Life, and it’s pretty gnarly.
Why you should stop being so hard on yourself
The lovely Sid sent me a DM about a week ago with this article, saying it reminded her of my podcast. I read it and agreed with every word, and yes, it’s totally in line with what I talk about on here and on the pod (BTW I’m recording a new episode tonight!). But yes, please read if you need a reminder to be a little kinder and more compassionate to yourself. My favorite piece of advice from there that I always use in my own life– talk to yourself the way you would to a friend, especially when you “mess up.” Puts a lot of things into perspective.
Busy isn’t respectable anymore
This article is SO GOOD. This is definitely something that’s been on my mind in the past year or so. I’m a busy person, it’s true, but I have made steps to be conscious about my busyness levels. Sometimes we need to be busy, and those seasons of life are unavoidable, but the key word here is season. Busyness should be a temporary state, not the default. I’m working on accepting that not every moment or day needs to be productive, and on leaning into my inherent being and self-worth, without needing the validation of busyness to back me up.
The Lively Show #224: The Next Evolution of Human Consciousness & Community with Rob Bell
Such an awesome episode from Jess’s podcast. I loved the ideas they explored here about the deeper reality of what it means to be human and the various untapped potentials we have yet to uncover. Super groovy stuff. (LOL I don’t know why I’m using 80s language all of a sudden).
The Lively Show #221: Using flow to go from all ego to total love with Gregorio Avanzini
Oh. My. Gosh. If nothing else, you guys, just check out this episode. I low key fell in love with Gregorio listening to him speak. He’s just an amazing human, and has so much wisdom and love to share, especially considering how young he is. I loved all his thoughts on humanity and on living a happy fulfilling life.
And that’s about it for me, chickadees. Comment below if you check any of these out, or tell me what’s been inspiring you lately! And don’t forget to link down below with your own dose of inspiration. Love ya!
Sounds like I need a lot of these listens and reads right now. It’s so hard to a) not be hard on yourself and b) let go of that ideal of always having to “do” something. Remembering that we are not what we do is a huge workout.
I’m happy to read you have been finding some things that have been increasing your sense of calm and grounding and magic. I’m never one to tell someone what they should try, but if they find it themselves and feel a true connection, then that is all that matters. I love my crystals – they are my form of prayer and help to remind me what I want within myself.
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