Hello and welcome to the third edition of Fab Finds Friday! If you read yesterday’s post I wrote about slowing down instead of forcing productivity, you’ll know that I haven’t been consuming too much content this past week. So I kind of assumed this edition of FFF would be a bit more barren, but no, I actually managed to put together quite a few inspiring things that I came across this past week. If you would like to link up, make sure you have a back-link to my blog as well as Cora’s and then you can link up down at the bottom of this post!
One more thing: in the vein of finding flow and slowness and giving myself a bit more space every day to spend my time in the ways that feel right (instead of being driven by my to-do list), I am taking a break this coming week on the blog. Most likely, my next post will be Fab Finds Friday #4 in exactly a week, though I might bop in for a quick WIAW if that feels good.
I want to focus next week on a couple things that I keep having difficulty making time for and see how much I can accomplish, while also enjoying some free time and adventure. Thanks for understanding 🙂
Welcome to Fab Finds Friday!
A chance to reflect, not on the things you did, but on the things that did something to you!
Whether it’s something you heard, a sentence you read, a quote that spoke to you, or even something you wrote yourself, if it inspired you and you want to share it with others, we want to know about it!
Make sure you have a hyperlink in your post to both Laughing My Abs Off and My Little Tablespoon. Then drop your link below and discover what inspired others. You never know when you’ll stumble upon the next life-changing nugget of wisdom. Happy Friday!
Here we go!
The Lively Show Episodes 165, 166, 168
These episodes were SO in line with everything I’ve been feeling and thinking about recently, regarding flow and not forcing anything. Jess is great about putting into words the whole concept of efforting and why that doesn’t lead to the right results. I highly encourage you to listen to these if you need some help figuring out how to get into flow or you just feel out of alignment (aka feeling “off”)
The Chasing Joy Podcast Episode 72
I loved this episode because it just blew me away with what a joy it was to listen to. I’d never heard of Maria Failla but I absolutely loved her perspective. Basically she has a podcast of her own that is all about plants, and in this episode she and Georgie talked about how many lessons we as people can take away from watching and owning plants. And if that sounds totally weird, just trust me and listen to the episode. She also is a student of Jess’s so she talks a lot about how intuition and alignment helped her grow her business.
A Thought-Provoking Article on Being Triggered by Others’ Weight Changes
I really loved this article, and it’s not something that I’ve ever seen anyone talk about. Give it a read if you’ve ever felt uncomfortable for some unknown reason when you saw someone else’s body change in some way. It’s actually incredibly common, but the article gives some great tips on combatting and dealing with those unpleasant feelings.
Favorite Quotes
Some more quotes from my five-minute journal of course!
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” -Lao Tzu. I love this one as a reminder that we should never limit ourselves and confine our entire personality to a box. We are always changing and growing, and by holding onto old ideas about who we are, we risk becoming stagnant and forever stuck in the comfort zone. Though it’s not easy or simple, I would much rather go through the discomfort of transforming and evolving than to stay exactly who I was.
And a related one…
“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” – Tony Robbins
Your turn! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your finds. The podcasts sound intriguing. I will have to give a listen. Love the Lao Tzu quote. His sayings are so pithy, aren’t they? Short, but make-you-stop-in-your-tracks powerful.
Laurie recently posted…Will You Sign My Yearbook?
Absolutely! A smart guy for sure 😉 Thanks for reading, Laurie!
My thing with the Lively Show is there are sooo many episodes and so much different content, that I tend to get scared away when trying to find episodes that I want to listen to/resonate with. You’ve been a godsend here – making this job easy. Thank you for helping me find what I want to hear!
A break next week sounds lovely, my dear. I need to catch up on your last couple of posts, but it seems you were busy this week. Enjoy time doing things you don’t usually do, or don’t usually have time to do. Go on an adventure. See you next Friday 🙂
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Pancakes, Free Food and I’m Off To The Fringe!
Haha so glad my podcast curation is helpful! Thank you so much; I do intend on having a couple adventures 😉
There’s a ton of joy in watching and owning plants! I can totally relate. I’ll have to check out this podcast, thanks for sharing. And enjoy your break. You put a lot of work into this blog; it’ll be nice to focus on other things you enjoy!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…So Many Vegetables!
You would love the episode, and thank you so much Joyce! Have a lovely week!
This post is so lovely!! I definitely want to prep a post and link up next week! And I loved that Chasing Joy episode too.
Yes yes yes, we would love to have you!!
That article on what to do when someone else’s weight changes was so helpful and insightful. I don’t think I even realized that that sometimes has been/is triggering to me until reading it.
And those quotes from your 5 minute journal! I may have to get one just for the quotes. 🙂
Thanks for hosting! Hope your week off is everything you need it to be.
Naomi | Naomi Why: Roots recently posted…Summer Reads (Fab Finds Friday)
I know, that one really makes ya think! Yes do it get the journal! 😉 Thank you so much Naomi, I wish the same to you. <3
Nice post!! The first quote I totally agree with your reflexion on it.. It just sounded strange for a second when I read it because we are always being told to be who we are.. But I get your point.. stepping outside the personality box.
Haha yes! I can totally see how that could be a bit confusing. Love quotes that really make you pause!