Well hello there! I feel like it’s been ages hehe, even though it was only a few short days since my last post.
But since I wrote and scheduled that post a while in advance, I feel like it’s been a solid week since I really blogged. Which, in all honesty, has felt just perfect. I’m in a place in my life right now where I am trying to be very tuned in about what work feels good and what doesn’t and focusing on not taking on more than I can handle. Which is…difficult…but I think I’m getting much better.
I know I keep teasing you with talk of “the secret project,” and I’m just going to keep you waiting a little longer because I am ALMOST ready to share what it is. Hint: It’s Laughing My Abs Off in a totally different style. Any guesses?! 😉
But all that to say, I’ve been quite busy behind the scenes working on that, as well as studying up for my fitness certification exam, which leaves not too much time for blogging. I am confident that I can balance everything going forward, but I just needed to take this week to get all my ducks in a row and see what is the best way for me to spend my time going forward.
And I’ve definitely been focusing on slowing down, big time. My days lately haven’t been nearly as busy, but unsurprisingly, they’ve been so much more productive. I’m putting less on my to-do list and actually getting all of it done AND still have time to spend in whatever way I like. Be that a spontaneous hangout with a friend or a walk in the city or just a Big Bang Theory binge-sesh.
But okay, you guys are presumably here for Fab Finds Friday! Remember to have a link to both my and Cora’s blog if you want to link up, and then you can drop your link below! Don’t forget to go check out Cora’s post as well!
Welcome to Fab Finds Friday!
A chance to reflect, not on the things you did, but on the things that did something to you!
Whether it’s something you heard, a sentence you read, a quote that spoke to you, or even something you wrote yourself, if it inspired you and you want to share it with others, we want to know about it!
Make sure you have a hyperlink in your post to both Laughing My Abs Off and My Little Tablespoon. Then drop your link below and discover what inspired others. You never know when you’ll stumble upon the next life-changing nugget of wisdom. Happy Friday!
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
LOL I’m not sure if this is cheating or not, but since I’m the co-owner of this link-up, I’m gonna rule this is allowed. Maybe this isn’t inspiring in the traditional sense, but I have to share this cookie recipe. It’s one of my favorite recipes ever, is SO quick and easy, and they taste like real amazing cookies while having absolutely no added sugar (except for the chocolate chips). Please go make them! I’ve been snacking on a couple with a cold glass of almond milk pretty much every day this week, and it’s the simplest pleasure. 🙂
The Pressure of Achievement and Perfection in College
Again, I don’t normally do this, but I do want to share this post that I wrote for Davida’s blog. Getting to write a guest post for The Healthy Maven is a huge milestone for me and for this blog, and is something I dreamed wistfully about since first starting. Presumptuous though it might be, I do think it will help or resonate with many of you, whether you are currently in college or not.
This is a topic very near and dear to my heart, and I know I’m not alone in the things I discuss feeling in that post. So thankful to Davida for sharing her space with me, especially as it helped me reach a much wider audience with a message that I believe is important.
The Real Life RD 5 Thoughts Post
Robyn does these posts on most Fridays where she lists 5 thoughts of the week, and I wanted to share this one with you because it was particularly rich in helpful and informative content.
Pay special attention to the HAES article she links that cleared up a LOT of my personal questions on the topic. Also notable are the questions she lists to help you figure out if you are at your natural set-point.
This one’s just for fun, but I recently rewatched Moana, and I loved it even more than I did the first time I saw it. The reason I’m including it here is that I was weirdly, inexplicably inspired while watching this girl going on a terrifying journey just because she knew in her heart that she had to.
Hear me out. I think putting aside the whole searching for a demigod in the ocean thing, Moana’s journey is really an example of following your intuition and marching bravely right out of your comfort zone and into the place where the Magic happens. There are so many things I’ve done in my life that scared the hell out of me but doing them also felt absolutely right. Each time I’ve pushed myself to do those things, I ended up growing, learning a whole bunch, and yes, connecting with my personal version of Magic.
Right now, my focus is precisely on that. Following my intuition and pushing out of my comfort zone while also being gentle with myself and trusting that the universe will make everything happen exactly as it should.
And on that note, I love you all, and can’t wait to see your links! Talk to you soon; have a delicious and lovely weekend! <3

As co-owner of this link up, I fully support – and encourage – any and all inspiring cookie recipes to be included. I mean, damn, when I find something that is delicious, I feel a hell of a lot more inspired!! And now I want cookies.
I have your post on Davida’s blog bookmarked to read as soon as I have the time. Again, huge congratulations. Not only is it an important message to be spread to as many people as possible, but I know you’ve also been working hard and hustling, and taking these courageous steps, to get your words out there. Brava.
Haha okay. When I first saw Moana I was honestly like…”meh.” And then I saw it a second time a couple of months ago, and just like you, I was like… WHOA. That damn scene, with the song, when she goes out into the ocean…. man. It’s so good. So damn good.
….and now I sing the song like every day.
Cora recently posted…Fab Finds Friday #4: Following Your Dream, Body Image, and Winnie The Pooh
Thank you!!! And yes haha I can’t stop singing that song. Best shower performance song for sure. For some reason, the second time’s the charm with that movie!