Hi hi hello! Welcome to the FIFTH edition of FFF! How’d we get here?? Thank you so much for linking up with things that inspire you and for just reading what inspires me and Cora. You guys make everything worth it. <3
Also before I dive in, if you read my yesterday’s post, you’ll know I ran into some delays with the podcast, and I also talked about how the work wasn’t really flowing for me this week…I’m already feeling some beginnings of wanting to actually do things and be creative again, but I am not forcing it at all.
However, I just wanted to let you know that the podcast was…APPROVED! Which means, yes, it will be available for your listening pleasure next Thursday, August 9th! So excited! 😀
Alright, so now as I have Rainbow Connection playing softly on my Spotify, let’s dive into all the things that inspired me this week. Â And I would absolutely love if you would link up down below; just make sure you have a backlink to both my blog and Cora’s!
Welcome to Fab Finds Friday!
A chance to reflect, not on the things you did, but on the things that did something to you!
Whether it’s something you heard, a sentence you read, a quote that spoke to you, or even something you wrote yourself, if it inspired you and you want to share it with others, we want to know about it!
Make sure you have a hyperlink in your post to both Laughing My Abs Off and My Little Tablespoon. Then drop your link below and discover what inspired others. You never know when you’ll stumble upon the next life-changing nugget of wisdom. Happy Friday!
Let It Out Podcast Episode 230
This is Katie Dalebout’s podcast, and the guest on this episode was Jess Lively. So basically, it was a recipe for a fantastic conversation. This one is perfect for someone who is looking to dive into some spiritual soul searching, or just to learn more about all of the more woo-woo parts of the wellness world. Which, by the way, I’ve been really into lately. Once you really start studying them, you realize it’s not all that woo-woo after all, and in fact is heavily backed by science. But I’ll let you listen to the episode and decide for yourself!
Katie’s Let It Out Event at Alchemist Kitchen
Sadly this isn’t something I can link you to or direct you toward, but the other day I attended an event hosted by Katie that was all about journaling to unlock creativity, manifestation, and anxiety management. Could this BE more up my alley? I took my mom as my plus one, as well as a notebook and a pen, and headed to the Alchemist Kitchen in the East Village on Tuesday evening. First of all, this place was unlike anything I’ve ever been to before. It was all crystals and palo santo and elixirs…and I was ALL ABOUT IT. I even got a rose quartz crystal heh, which I felt particularly drawn to. I know, I’m one of those people now. 😉
But yes, if you’re in NYC or in any place where Katie ever comes to an event, I would definitely urge you to go. And as someone who always preaches journaling (see here and here), I really appreciated the different prompts she guided us through that were unlike anything I could have come up with on my own. Also, she is the SWEETEST HUMAN.
Wellness Realness with Christina Rice Podcast episodes 118 & 119
This is the first time I’m sharing this podcast, but it’s definitely worth checking out! I don’t listen to every episode, but Christina is great at interviewing and there are definitely many gems. 118 is all about self-love but also love toward others. I really appreciated the guest Melissa Ambrosini’s no-nonsense approach to it. Her attitude toward love in any context was that it’s as much a necessity as air and food and water. Which, if you ask me, is a pretty great way to look at the world.
I liked 119 because it talked about a diet that I admit I had a bit of disdain toward and sort of explained it in a totally new to me light. I don’t love diets that are restrictive and weight-focused, and while I thought this was precisely that, I was quite surprised by what they had to say. Cryptic, I know, but I want you to listen. 😉
The Chasing Joy Podcast Episodes 73 & 74
You all know I adore Georgie and her podcast, and these two are particularly lovely episodes. 73 is with Maddy Moon who is so fun and just really engaging to listen to. I literally was riveted throughout the conversation and kind of wanted to go be Maddy’s best friend right away. A great listen, especially for those of you who are feeling that urge to slow down but are also struggling with guilt on the matter. 74 is great for anyone interested in natural skincare and beauty, as well as a light introduction into spiritual tools.
And that’s it for today! Link up down here, and remember to visit Cora’s blog to read her FFF post!

congrats on the podcast getting approved!! also loved the episode on natural skin care with Georgie. Happy Friday love! xoxo
Alyssa recently posted…I’m not Catholic anymore.
ahh thank you so much Alyssa! Happy Friday to you too!
I like Melissa Ambrosini already, just by your description. A new to me podcast to try – yay! It’ll be added to my que, right along YOURS! Whoa!
So that’s freaking amazing you got to go to an event hosted by Katie. Like, wha? I need more NYC in my life. So glad you did this. It sounded perfect for you.
Cora recently posted…Fab Finds Friday # 5: Starting With The Heart, Intention, and Your Body As a Home
For sure check it out! And ahh thank you, Cora!! You absolutely should come visit; I’ll house you!
Looking forward to your first episode next week!
Gotta give all these podcasts a listen too. Thanks for sharing!
Kaylee recently posted…Week in Review: Moving Out
Yay thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoyed Kaylee! <3
So looking forward to your upcoming podcast!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Caterpillar Crawl: July 2018
Thank you so much girl!