Hello my lovely pickles! I am currently en route to Georgetown, and things are sufficiently, er, cramped in here. I’ve got my guitar pressing into me from one side, a case of water on the other, and my stuffed backpack under my feet. The car is literally full to capacity. And though move-in is admittedly not my favorite thing in the world, I actually quite like the drive to school. For some reason, I’m always in a really great mood, and it’s just a relaxing few hours before the hustle and craziness officially starts.
I decided to take advantage of the drive and get some blog work done, so here I am with another FFF post for ya! I missed it the last two weeks, first because I just needed a break and then because I went to Nantucket, but I’m back! Cora was wonderful about holding down the fort, so major kudos to her. You rock, girl.
To be honest, I haven’t been reading too many blogs lately, just because it hasn’t flowed. I’ve been gravitating much more toward reading books, and when I have a random 20 minutes, I’ve been turning on an episode of Big Bang Theory or listening to a podcast. I thought I would maybe catch up on all the blogs on this drive, but to be perfectly honest with you, the thought of that was kind of overwhelming and not all too appealing. It’s not that I no longer want to read those blogs; I know I will definitely catch up with them eventually, but for right now, it’s just not what feels good. And especially lately, I’ve been conscious of doing more of what feels good and less of what doesn’t.
So. Much of what has inspired me lately is not blog posts, but rather different things I’ve been gravitating toward more lately. Here goes.
Welcome to Fab Finds Friday!
A chance to reflect, not on the things you did, but on the things that did something to you!
Whether it’s something you heard, a sentence you read, a quote that spoke to you, or even something you wrote yourself, if it inspired you and you want to share it with others, we want to know about it!
Make sure you have a hyperlink in your post to both Laughing My Abs Off and My Little Tablespoon. Then drop your link below and discover what inspired others. You never know when you’ll stumble upon the next life-changing nugget of wisdom. Happy Friday!
If you missed my recap post of my lovely time on this magical island, head over here. But the reason I’m including it in this post is that I really do think Nantucket taught me a few things that I want to hold with me throughout the year.
The value of rest and how feeling rejuvenated makes a world of difference in your well-being, how a slower pace of life does not limit the things you get to experience in one day, but actually, paradoxically, expands them. I’ve talked about this phenomenon here and it’s a lesson I think I finally fully learned while on the island. It’s like they say, sometimes a certain lesson just keeps getting thrown at you over and over until eventually, it REALLY sinks in. So thank you to Nantucket for cementing this very important concept in my mind. And also for this quote.
Georgie Morley
I mentioned that I met Georgie while on Nantucket, and that she was absolutely lovely, but I didn’t really have a chance to process everything we talked about until recently. I don’t want to say everything we discussed, but let’s just say Georgie is a huge inspiration to me in living your passions while also maintaining some distance between them and herself. She is currently on her own journey of learning to step back sometimes, and the fact that she is allowing herself to do that WHILE maintaining a growing business that she has built from the ground…well, that’s some major inspiration right there.
The Lively Show episode 181 & 188
If you’re gonna listen to any podcast episodes I recommend here, let it be episode 181. Oh my gosh guys, this one BLEW MY MIND. It’s an interview with an entrepreneur and author named Jonathan Fields who basically developed this social theory of buckets to depict various facets of a person’s life. His idea is that in order to have a full life, one must have all three buckets full, the vitality bucket, the contribution bucket, and the connection bucket. I don’t want to give it all away, but his idea REALLY resonated with me, and I highly encourage you to check it out for yourself.
Episode 188 is wonderful if you’re interested, but also skeptical or confused about, the law of attraction. This one cleared up A LOT for me, and Jess has a way of breaking down complex topics into very digestible chunks, so she’s the perfect teacher for abstract concepts such as this.
Nourishing Women Podcast episode 55
This episode is called Mental Health and Mindful Eating with Lisa Hayim, and if you follow Lisa on social media, you’ll already know to expect something GOOD. In this one, they talk all about mental health and the value of therapy and how interconnected mental health is with our relationship to food. It was fascinating and made me love Lisa even more.
Liveng Proof Podcast episode 73
I JUST got into this podcast. I’ve been hearing about it for ages and knew I’d probably like it, but when I saw that Engrid interviewed Georgie in this episode, I knew I’d start with it. This one is all about the fear of being “too much,” which is both in opposition to but also goes hand in hand with, the idea of “not being enough.” This is actually something else Georgie and I discussed, and I definitely encourage you to have a listen. I think it’s pretty much relatable across the gamut. Also I’ve been obsessed with Engrid and her podcast ever since. :p
The Chasing Joy Podcast episode 75
Loved this episode where Georgie interviewed Kait Hurley, who seems SO COOL, all about intuitive movement and the anxiety that often accompanies the journey to getting there. As I try to piece together my own story with this in order to eventually share it with you on the podcast, I definitely found Kait’s candor inspirational.
And that’s it for me! Please drop your links down here, or let me know in the comments what’s been inspiring you lately!
Sounds like Georgie is a woman I need to catch up with. I have never heard of her before, but I am going to click your link and learn. Have a great school year! 🙂
Laurie recently posted…Tunnel Vision Marathon Race Report
You’d love her!
And I thought I had been staying up to date on good podcast episodes lately – there is so much more! I’m putting these all on the que. Thanks girl.
Ah those squished in road trips. They are so special!! So full of nervousness and excitement all tied together. I hope you’ve arrived safe and sound and feel rejuvenated and excited to start this year. You’re going to rock it. Are you living in residence?
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Cleaning, Baking, Relaxing and Getting Ready For Family
Always happy to help 😉
Aww thank you so much Cora! Yes, I’m on campus but in an apartment, not a dorm! It’s definitely different!