Phew, I am so exhausted but also super satisfied because I just spent 4 hours in South Block just getting my life in order.
Meaning, I spent a couple hours putting everything from every class syllabus into my planner for the entire semester, and then replying to emails, and then figuring out some job stuff and applications that I’ve been putting off. It feels so so good when you finally do something that’s been hanging over your head, and most of the time, it isn’t even as bad as you anticipated!
Now that I’ve gotten some semblance of organization back into my life, I do feel a lot more steady on my feet. It’s always weird when the year starts off because everything feels really crazy for a while there, but hopefully the dust is finally settling. And now, to the post. Here is everything I’d share with you if we were having coffee and muffins together.
Welcome to Fab Finds Friday!
A chance to reflect, not on the things you did, but on the things that did something to you!
Whether it’s something you heard, a sentence you read, a quote that spoke to you, or even something you wrote yourself, if it inspired you and you want to share it with others, we want to know about it!
Make sure you have a hyperlink in your post to both Laughing My Abs Off and My Little Tablespoon. Then drop your link below and discover what inspired others. You never know when you’ll stumble upon the next life-changing nugget of wisdom. Happy Friday!
So as I sat down to write this post, I realized all the things I jotted down that inspired me over the week came from 2 blogs, one of which is Advice From a 20 Something, which is a lovely little corner of the web for anyone in or around their 20s. The second is my blogosphere friend Naomi’s blog, which I just adore. I always feel like Naomi and I are long-lost sisters when I read her blog; we seem to think the EXACT SAME WAY. So incredible that this blog allows me to come across and connect with like-minded souls, and even more incredible when those connections turn into real-life friendships.
Let’s dive in!
Advice From a 20 Something
How and Why You Should Choose Gratefulness over Greed– I’m sure none of us wants to ever think of ourselves as greedy, but I think oftentimes we mistake greed for something like drive or ambition. It’s far too easy to start letting achievements pass without celebration because you are already looking onto the next goal. This was such a helpful read for me because I am most definitely guilty of always wanting to be doing more and accomplishing more, occasionally forgetting to pause and appreciate how far I’ve come.
10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Twenties– I am all about lists like that; they just make me feel so inspired and like I can’t wait to break out and go DO THINGS. I feel like these things apply no matter what age you are, but they are all goals I’ve been actively working on over the past couple months. You will notice things like learning to rest and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone appear on that list and also happen to be things I always talk about on here! Love when a blogger and I are on the exact same wavelength.
10 Ways I Invest in Myself– Really related to this post as well. I feel like Sam Brown and I would absolutely be best friends in real life because we just get each other. Love her tips on investing in wellness and passion projects, but also things like a pretty office, which I feel like are easy to overlook but can make such a huge difference in happiness levels. I know one of my favorite easy ways to invest in myself is treating myself to delicious coffee from some of my favorite coffee shops. So simple but so important for my well-being. 🙂
5 Ways To Curb Your Social Media Addiction– Mmmm, yeah this post was definitely relevant, and I know it will be for a lot of you guys reading. I wouldn’t say I have an addiction because I can easily spend time apart from my phone; my issue is I usually choose not to spend that time apart from it. It’s such an easy mind-number and that quick fix of dopamine sometimes feels far too tantalizing to resist. But that only confirms how badly I need these tips. I will say that I second the recommendations of turning off notifications and using an app like Forest; both are tested and readily approved by me! 🙂
Naomi Why Roots
You Don’t Have to Have It All Figured Out– I loved this post so much, and it was so relatable to me. I often do feel like I need to have it all figured out, both in school right now but also with future stuff like a job post-grad. Especially in college, a lot of those questions pop up and feel much more pressing than they perhaps are in reality. Sometimes it’s really hard to remember to loosen all those expectations, and so it can feel really great to have someone tell it to you.
Eating Fear Foods By Yourself– Really loved this post and definitely think it would help anyone who is currently still struggling with certain fear foods. I feel for you, and I send you all the love and positive vibes in the world. It’s such a sucky place to be in, but just know that it’s temporary. It might feel like you will never get past those fears, but you can and you will. Nothing lasts forever, and Naomi’s tips are amazing for giving yourself that extra push.
New Clothes– I really really liked Naomi’s parallel here with getting new clothes and a changing relationship with food and your body. I feel like clothes can often feel like this defining feature, similarly to how your body size or your food choices can become. I feel like it isn’t super great to tie your identity or self-worth too deeply with any of these because they’re all so transitory. Loved her perspective on this topic.
And that’s all for me today guys! For today I have one class, then lunch with a friend, and then prepping for a dinner party potluck I’m having with some friends. I’m making this pasta, and I can’t wait to rock everyone’s socks off with it. 😉
Have a marvelous weekend <3
Nicole!!! This made my day (week? life?). We are definitely long-lost sisters.
I’ve never check out Advice from a 20 Something before and I’m the newest fan. I especially liked the post you linked about making the most of your twenties. I’ve been feeling like I haven’t really been living as much as I want to and I kind of know what to do about it but I’m also unsure. So I loved the list format.
Someday we HAVE to have coffee and muffins in real life. I’m beginning my manifestation process. 😉
Naomi recently posted…Coming Next Week…
<3 <3 <3 You'll love Advice from a 20 Something; they've got many gems in there. I totally feel you on wanting to LIVE more but being kind of lost on how exactly to do that; posts like these definitely help. And yessss coffee and muffins and talking about how to live fully and intuitively and magically. Ahhh double manifestation happening here.
Such wonderful blogs – thank you for introducing me to Advice From a 20 Something. It really does sound like you connect completely with these two women. A wonderful, and special thing to have 🙂
Cora recently posted…Fab Finds Friday #9: Wiggles, Softness and The Required State for Healing
Love them both!