And just like that, we are at the end of July. I can’t believe this. In a way, it feels like so so much has happened this month, but at the same time, it feels like I was just writing this for June.
I guess that’s how it always goes huh?
I’ve got quite a lot of favorites to get through today, as it seems July was all about trying (and falling in love with) a bunch of new things.
Hope you learn about something new and cool from this list, or maybe you’ll just see some similarities and you’ll realize we are meant to be best friends. You know, whatever. 😉
Let’s jump right in.
For Your Eyes
To The Bone
Starting with a controversial one right here, but I watched this movie just a couple days ago, and I thought it was very very well made. However it was an incredibly heavy subject matter, and I definitely don’t think everyone should watch this. It goes into excruciating detail about the harrowing struggle of anorexia, and I don’t think anyone currently struggling or in the stages of recovery should watch this, unless they feel secure in their recovery.
That being said, I thought Lily Collins was incredible, the storyline was gripping and kind of chillingly realistic, and the script was so multidimensional that I would go from laughing to crying in minutes.
Yes, there is some controversy right now about this movie, and about how it glorifies eating disorders, but I respectfully disagree. I think there was nothing glorious in their portrayal of it, and both the director and Collins herself are anorexia survivors whose purpose in making this film was bringing light to this issue that so many silently deal with.
You Are a Badass (novel)
In all honesty, I’ve really slacked on reading this month, compared to last month. In fact, I didn’t even really read this book; I listened to it on Audible, but I figured I’ll just include it in this section anyway. #slacker
So firstly, I NEVER thought I’d be recommending a self-improvement book. I remember always making fun of my mom when she would read these nonstop after her divorce. I just found them so woo woo and mind-numbingly pointless.
I still remember how my mom recommended I read The Secret when I was deeply struggling with anxiety, and I only got through like 5 pages before the whole “throw your positive energy into the universe to get positive things back” thing made me want to rip out my hair.
But this book?
I absolutely loved it.
I’d found out about it from other bloggers actually, like The Hummusapien, and I guess I decided to read it because I feel like I’m in a place in my life right now where I’m trying a lot of new things out, and I kind of need to have that self-affirmation that I am, in fact, a badass.
What I loved about this book is that the author, Jen Sincero, is very honest about the fact that she used to be the furthest thing in the world from the self-help genre (like me!) and that she kind of just stumbled upon it.
The things she wrote about actually made sense, too. Sometimes it was a little too oversimplistic for me, but for the most part, she seemed to be writing for the everyday person who just needs a little bit of inspiration and a boost of confidence.
The biggest takeaway was in order to get what you want, you need to really want it with all your heart because only then will you begin taking concrete steps toward it and only then will things begin to fall into place.
That’s a mentality I definitely can vibe with.
The show, not the people. 😉
Friends is my favorite show OF ALL TIME. Like, I can’t even put into words how much it means to me. The short story is it was a huge factor in managing my anxiety when I struggled with it years ago, but also I’ve rewatched it so many times, at ages ranging from 12 to now 19 and I always find something to relate to and always end up laughing (my abs off) crazy hard. Heh, see what I did there? 😉
This month I started rewatching it for the first time in 4 years, and it’s just as amazing as I remember. In a lot of ways, it feels like I haven’t even gotten older to be honest. Reason I’m watching it currently is actually because I’m going to a Friends Trivia night in a couple days, so I had to study up beforehand, but I think I’m going to go through with finishing it.
It’s like Harry Potter for me. There is an infinite amount of times that I can reread it, but I need to wait until I get an actual impossible-to-ignore urge to pick it up again.
For Your Ears
Chasing Joy Podcast
Ahh podcasts! I mentioned in my last monthly faves post that I am currently obsessed with podcasts, and this one from Georgie of In It 4 The Long Run is one of my absolute faves. It talks about all things health, intuitive living, 20-something advice, dating, and entrepreneurship. Basically all the good stuff.
The podcast is always super positive, and I honestly look forward to each new episode because it puts me in an awesome mood.
I always used to shy away from podcasts because I thought I wouldn’t be able to stay engaged with them or pay attention for that long, but honestly, they are a lifesaver for long commutes or just walking by yourself through the city, especially when they’re on topics you find interesting.
So yup, I’m a podcast convert.
For Your Mouth
Yep, currently obsessed with zoodles. I’ve only prepared them one way, but recently I had them in one of my favorite restaurants The Grey Dog covered in pesto and vegan parmesan, and it was awesome.
So I’m currently stocking up on more recipes. Found a couple that look awesome from The Ambitious Kitchen, but if anyone has recommendations, please drop them in the comments. 🙂
The Grey Dog
Speaking of The Grey Dog, I had to include it in this list because I’ve been there like 5 times this summer alone, and probably about that amount before this summer. Pretty sure it’s becoming one of my favorite NYC restaurants.
It never disappoints, the vibe is great, and it’s just a solid choice for a friend date or a quick bite or a group meeting spot. I just love it.
In fact, I was there today, and I couldn’t resist buying myself this mug.
I’m OBSESSED with it. I love cute mugs like this, and I’ve been looking for one that really called out to me for a while now. So simple but so me.
La Colombe Coffee
Forever my favorite NYC coffee. I haven’t gotten their draft latte at all this July, so I’ll have to rectify that next month, but I’ve been vibing with the almond milk cold brew. Amazing how quickly it can cause my mood to skyrocket and just make me feel like I’m on top of the world. I think it’s more my immense love for their coffee than the actual caffeine, but eh, who knows?
If you guys are in NYC, go get it. Trust me, no one I ever take here leaves disappointed. And if you’re not too big on coffee, get the draft latte. It’s like a milkshake…with coffee. DREAMY!
For Your Body
Luminance Skin Care Free Samples
Currently obsessed with this company. I ordered a bunch of their products full size, and I will definitely tell you what I think by the end of next month, but here’s my two cents on their free sample kit.
So first of all, if you aren’t familiar with Luminance, they are a small company that specializes in skincare products made entirely of natural ingredients, such as oils and herbs.
Their customer service is fantastic; if you email them with any questions about your skin or the products, they are very quick to respond and helpful.
In the free sample kit they send you the delicate cleanser, rosewater toner, and deep hydration moisturizer.
I loved all three! My skin freaked out in the first two weeks after beginning use, but then it got used to the non-conventional products and began to look so much brighter and healthier.
I may have mentioned this before but I’ve struggled with breakouts since I was about 11 years old, in varying degrees, and this past year I’ve resolved to really crack down on the issue and figure out how to eliminate those annoying red spots.
I will definitely keep you posted on whether Luminance will be the answer to my prayers.
Bodyweight Training (being creative at the gym)
I do plan on doing a more in-depth post about this, but for now, I’ll just say that for the past couple weeks I have been REALLY vibing with bodyweight or low-weight workouts. They just make me feel so powerful and light somehow, like I’m this ninja who can do crazy stunts (LOL, I wish).
I never lifted “heavy,” but I had dumbbells up to 20 pounds, and many of my workouts focused on lower reps with higher weight.
While there is nothing wrong with this style of training, and it toally worked for me for a while, I’m just craving something different, and I want to see how my body will react to this change.
If I find myself losing strength or some definition, I’ll definitely go back to my old style of training, but for now, I’m loving the flexibility and creativity I can implement with bodyweight training.
I’ve taken to putting on a pump-up Spotify playlist and creating a 10 minute bodyweight circuit on the spot to do after my cardio routine, and I just work to fatigue. And trust me, there are many ways to completely exhaust your muscles without so much as looking at a dumbbell.
I’ll report back with updates on this.
Pop Physique and Pure Barre
I talk about both a bit in this post, but just to recap, these two classes were really what pushed me to ditch the weights for now and move toward more bodyweight training.
I guess I’d just forgotten how effective a good old squat pulse or push-up hold can be. I mean both these classes had my muscles SCREAMING, and I wasn’t mad about it.
I liked Pop Physique just a little more because I just loved the dance aspect of it, and how it made you forget you were in a workout class.
But I also really enjoyed the Pure Barre class I took in Massachusetts, more than the one I took in NYC, because it just felt so much more laid-back and like you’re there to work out, not show off how fit you are.
But ultimately both those classes taught me some awesome moves and reminded me how important ab engagement is when working out.
For Your Soul
Massachusetts trip
I sang you praises for this trip here and here, but honestly, it’s incredible how huge an impact travel can have on your well-being. This trip made my soul sing the entire time I was there, and I would do it all over again if I could.
Massachusetts stole my heart, and I’m not mad about it.
My goals for this coming month include getting ready for sophomore year (shopping, job search, etc.), reading at least two books, making a stockpile of blog posts and photos, and prioritizing my guitar practice.
Of course, I’ll keep you all posted on how these go.
Tell me what some of your goals are for the coming month. Any July faves you want to share?
Thanks for sharing
Thank you!