I wasn’t going to write a post today. It’s a Saturday evening as I’m sitting here writing this, and I was supposed to have done much more today than I have. I cleaned, grocery shopped, had a breakfast date with Roomie, did a yoga routine, and did some homework reading, and yet somehow I feel like I did about 1/10th what I “should” have done today.
I do enough personal development work and listen to enough Jess Lively to know there is no “should” in an intuitively driven life. But what if you’re not in a position to be fully intuitive? What if you have no choice but to do exactly what needs to be done, day in and day out, even if it’s not your soul purpose?
These are just some things that have been on my mind lately as I am trying to navigate this semester.
I’m not quite sure yet whether this semester will be harder than last, but I know there is just as much of a risk of losing myself.
I spent so many days last semester and then the summer just not feeling like me. Oh I had occasional bursts of inspiration and excitement, sure, but overall something felt off. I was totally out of alignment. I needed an emotional chiropractor session. And I think, by the end of summer, I finally felt like I’d gotten one.
But it was almost like I barely felt back to normal before it was time to dive into the deep again.
I still feel like me, and I laugh daily, and I smile often, but I also feel so tired. More than that, I feel resentful, which is a pretty new development. I’m not even sure of what, exactly. School, maybe, or the status quo. (Ha!)
I feel like my deepest soul desire is to go somewhere far away where I will have about 20% of the responsibilities I currently have, and I can just explore and live and reconnect with the world. I think that’s what I’m missing. I’ve reconnected with me, but I feel so so disconnected from things greater than myself.
At the same time, life has been good. It’s been sweet and joyful, and there are moments when I just feel so unbelievably grateful and lucky. And that’s pretty much life, right? There are always good things amid the bad and bad things amid the good. And that’s okay because life isn’t black and white.
I thought I would pull some inspiration from Georgie’s wonderful podcast and share my current Struggles and Wins with you. Hopefully it’s enjoyable to read, and I think it will be pretty therapeutic for me too 🙂
What I am struggling with most is I just don’t have much space in my day to fully completely relax, and if I do, it’s a very precise 30-45 minutes.
I’m telling myself this is all a construct and I have enough time to do everything that is important. I tell myself to look at time from an abundance mindset instead of a scarcity one. And yet, try as I might, my life currently just is not conducive to having an abundance mindset. And you know, I think that’s okay. Because I know this isn’t permanent, that far away though it may seem, I WILL fulfill that soul desire I mentioned above. Yes, life is hectic right now, but I am choosing to lean in to the FULLNESS of it all. Not busy, but full. That is the reframing that is currently working for me.
What I am really struggling with is figuring out where to cut corners and where I can maybe stop dedicating so much time. Some days I come home and I’m like, damn, I really wasted three hours today, and then I’m up until 1am making up for it. And other days I’m in bed by 11 feeling like a superhero because everything somehow got done and I even had time to read before bed. I’m not quite sure if it’s just a random occurrence kind of thing, but I definitely want to see more of the latter happening.
Laughing My Abs Off
Oof you guys, I love this space so much. I love this blog, I love Instagram, I love the baby podcast. And yet as this year kicked off, I felt so much resistance toward all my platforms I’ve worked so hard on to build. I just felt kind of burnt out, and it felt good to focus all my energy into something that did not require my control, things like schoolwork or my on-campus job. Where I could just be told what to do and be busy with that, and leave the rest of my time free for me.
But that lasted about 2 seconds until I just really really missed connecting with you guys on here. I process by writing (hence why this entire post is like one giant journal entry), and it kind of clicked for me today that working on these platforms is a form of self-care for me. It’s my creative outlet, my contribution bucket, and what really gives me purpose.
The struggle here is figuring out how to combine that desire to keep growing these platforms with my tough homework-heavy classes, my two jobs, my relationships, and time for cooking, working out, and doing laundry.
I have so so many ideas. They’re all over my iPhone notes, pages and pages of ideas for blog posts, for podcast episodes, for additions to the website, for partnerships. God, there is SO MUCH I want to do on here. And yet I have to accept the fact that now is not the time. I’ll still be here, but this semester is not the time for crazy growth and developments in this space.
I think part of my personality is once I have an idea for something, I need to do it RIGHT NOW, forgetting that life isn’t a race for success. It’s not about the end result, either. It’s about all the twists and turns and peaks and valleys that get us there (and yes, I just paraphrased an incredibly cliche phrase).
Fear of the Uncertainty of the Future
Oh man. This is a whole post in itself. Or, scratch that, I am actually planning on recording a podcast episode all about this because I have so much to say on the topic.
But for now I’ll just say this. If you are currently in a place where you have absolutely no idea how your future is going to look, and that terrifies you, and also makes you kind of sort of wish you had chosen a more clearcut career path, I AM WITH YOU. And yet, for that last point, I really don’t wish that. Yes, it would be infinitely more easy and comforting to know that I am totally financially secure and set for the next 10 years, but I also know that wouldn’t be me.
I know it might be more difficult for me to “make it” (whatever that means), but it’s also going to be an exciting, risky, scary, magical adventure. And how could this Gryffindor pass that up? 😉
This is kinda random, and I will share more in my deep comprehensive post on my evolving relationship with exercise, but I just thought this belongs here because this is one thing I’m feeling really good about right now.
I recently got a one month free trial of ClassPass, and it’s been lovely! So nice to mix it up from my usual (well-loved) Youtube workouts. Currently obsessed with Barre3 and am planning on trying Corepower Yoga in the next few days. I’ve been loving having one or two high intensity days in my week and then the rest being lower impact like barre, Pilates, or yoga. It’s amazing how strong a low-impact workout can make you feel, and many times I am so sweaty but also so rejuvenated after those. With my crazy hectic days, my bod is craving more slow conscious movement and more rest.
I think exercise is back to being a kind of therapeutic outlet for me because I really do crave it during my busiest days. The difference between now and high school is that I am no longer pushing my body to the extreme to somehow match my extreme stress. Instead, I am using it as a balancing tool, and I have absolutely no desire to go overboard with it.
Another thing I am really super grateful for right now are my relationships, particularly friends and family. I love my people more than I can ever put into words, and honestly, even the worst most exhausting most stressful day instantly becomes a great one when I spend an hour really connecting with a friend. Or even if I just get a little check-in text or an I-love-you-and-you’re-doing-great text.
My relationships are what truly ground me, and I know as long as I have these people in my life who love me just the way I am, I’ll be just fine. That’s why I really make an effort to carve out space for conscious time with friends on a daily basis, whether it’s watching a movie, grabbing Sweetgreen, or just studying (and talking) side by side.
Making plans for next semester
I feel like this kind of goes hand in hand with the above struggle about the fear of the future, but this is like the other side of the same coin. There are things I am so so excited about, mostly because they are so different and just feel like pretty big steps. I am currently applying to study abroad, and I guess I need to wait until I get in to really start getting super excited, but it feels like exactly what I need. An adventure, a change of scenery and pace, more space.
I am also trying to be proactive about applying to jobs for next summer, since I need to get that taken care of this summer if I am going abroad. I don’t know exactly what I want it to be, but I am excited to hopefully figure it out by working closely with our wonderful career counseling service. I guess it just feels exhilarating to have all that possibility open, even if the unknown is pretty scary.
Classes and Jobs
I think it’s important to note, just in case this post came across as one long bitch-fest about school, that I actually really like my classes and my jobs. They all require work, are often exhausting, and leave me with very little space in my day, but I also recognize how much I am learning and how privileged I am to be here. This semester might be the most academically stimulating and exciting one for me yet, as I am learning about Entrepreneurship and Psychology and, yes, even Accounting – all things that I really do enjoy learning and that make me feel empowered when I understand them.
My jobs are great, too, and I am lucky to feel useful and valued in both. I don’t like being at a job that does not require any of my strengths and where I just feel replaceable, but both of mine have to do with writing and social media marketing, which are totally up my alley. Again, they take time, but I am so lucky to have two inflows of income and to be working jobs I am actually enjoying.
So overall, I think things are crazy, but good. If anything, I hope this post serves as a reminder that it’s okay to not have everything figured out, to feel out of alignment, but also to really soak up the things going really well too. I love you all so much, and I hope you’ll stick with me on this new adventure as I very consciously work to carve space for the things most important to me. <3
Linking up with Meg for Week in Review
Okay, I think I’ve reached the point where no one will believe me because this is the 214343rd time I’ve said this, but ARE WE LIVING THE SAME LIFE? Last year and this summer, I didn’t feel myself most of the time. And I also felt pretty resentful/bitter this summer and I’m not exactly sure why. At the same time, life has been full of lots of sweet moments lately, and you’ve explained to me in the post what I’ve been having trouble explaining to myself lately: life isn’t black and white.
I missed your posts and I’m so excited to see where you’ll take this space in the future AND I’m also super happy that you’re going to let your plans and ideas come to fruition when the time is right.
Ugh, it’s so true. An hour with a friend can make a so-so day the best day. Last year, I really did not prioritize relationships and it’s been so, so good to do something as simple as send a text to someone at home or study in the company of others.
Thanks for sharing all this. You’ve got a lot going on and you’re, as always, proving that it’s totally possible to live intuitively even on insanely full days and when the future seems uncertain.
Naomi recently posted…5 thoughts
Ahhh Naomi, thank you so much. Your comments always make my day, and hehe I completely believe you because I’m ALWAYS like, holy crap how are we the same person? 😉
So so glad you’re prioritizing relationships, and appreciating both the meh and the sweet of every day. You’re doing fantastic, and I love following along with everything you’ve been doing on the blog lately!!
Posts like this are so raw, real, and relatable. I love the idea of sharing struggles and wins from time to time to support and inspire one another:) School life can be so hectic and unsteady, but love you take on it being “full” instead of busy because it’s a transient yet fulfilling part of your life:)
Awww I’m so glad you liked it, Yentl! And yes it’s totally about the mindset shift 🙂
As long as continue to know what it is that takes us back to grounding, reminds us of who we are at our utmost core, and reminds us that we are loved JUST as that…. that is most important.
You are someone who (I think) feels and hopes and dreams to the FULLEST. Your heart overflows with desires and dreams for connection and gratification. This is a beautiful, beautiful way to be, but can also be a burden. It can take a lot of inner work to manage your way through this sincere trait of yours so that it continues to do you GOOD, and does not burn you out. I often let this trait of mine make me feel out of control, which if not then taken care of correctly, can do damage. But you are so aware of all of this, and you know those things that are your rocks – like making sure to schedule in time with friends or family or those who know you the best. This is huge.
So I don’t need to say this – but take care of yourself . But keep those dreams alive too! The prospect of traveling next year is WONDERFUL! Let those excitements cascade all over you and keep you smiling. And what doesn’t get done, doesn’t get done. Love to you darling <3
Cora recently posted…Surrendering To This Season Of Change (Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Recovery)
Thank you so so much. I appreciate you and every single comment of yours more than I can possibly put into words. You put it so perfectly, and I will do my best to keep taking care of myself while continuing to dream (funny how the two really do go hand in hand, and it’s important to not neglect either).
I’m pretty sure living intuitively all the time is just wishful thinking. As long as we desire a roof over our heads and food in our bellies, there will be external pressures and deadlines, even if we worked for ourselves. Some how we have to marry the idea between reality and dreams and be content with a combination thereof.
My best advice for kicking off the new semester is to build in activities that make you feel more like you, build in exercises throughout your weeks that keep you grounded so you won’t feel lost. And if you do, embrace it and move through it. Eventually this season of life will pass and you’ll be in an entirely new phase with new challenges and new adventures.
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets recently posted…Week in Review: Granola, Besties and Lovers (#151)
Aww Meg thank you so much for this amazing advice. You’re so right, though it’s sometimes a hard pill to swallow, like “what do you mean I can’t be flying high all the time??”
But I’m definitely accepting those low non-intuitive times and leaning into them, knowing they are only temporary and will make the highs that much sweeter.
Definitely making it a priority to have at least something weekly that makes me feel like me, as well as just reminding myself what I’m doing all this for and what my purpose is. Thank you.
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