Hey guys! Super quick bop in today to just say I’m so sorry, but there is a slight delay on the official podcast launch. Everything on my side has been done for a while, but I underestimated how long it would take Apple to approve it, so I’m still over here waiting with bated breath 😀
For everyone who sent me the sweetest messages telling me you’re so excited for the podcast, thank you so much! I appreciate all of you more than you know, and your support means the world. I just ask you to be a teensy bit more patient with me, but the podcast should be up and running super soon!
The most delicious avocado sauce drizzled with tahini and black sesame seeds, paired with an iced oat latte from Toby’s Estate Coffee
And my other point of this tiny post is to say I am still here, but in all honesty, the work hasn’t flowed this week. I’m not getting as much done this week as I did last, and the thing is, this time I’m not forcing anything. While at the beginning of summer, I might have still forced myself to study and to write and to edit and whatnot, I know now that doing that will only lead to me losing any and all motivation for far longer than is necessary.
So instead, I’ve been following the flow, which lately has meant much more hangouts with friends, spending more time with my mom, and watching Big Bang Theory instead of writing (or even reading) blog posts. So basically, a lot more blobby time.
I’ve learned that instead of judging myself when I have these periods of demotivation, I should just soak up the rest and fun and trust that in just a bit of time, I’ll hit my next burst of inspiration and productivity. It’s all about the ebbs and flows.
Sending you all the love this fine Thursday, and remember to link up tomorrow with me and Cora for Fab Finds Friday! <3
What phase of life are you currently in, motivated and productive OR blobby?
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