Hi lovely people! If you missed Monday’s post on life lately and my current struggles and wins, head over here! I think this post is a pretty good continuation of that one in terms of just a small snapshot of what life is looking like lately, in terms of eats, workouts, and outfits!
Also I have a lot of ideas of a post or maybe a pdf download of a Healthy College Grocery List and also ideas for easy, healthy, delicious recipes that are perfect for busy college students. Would you be interested? What format do you think would be best for these, and should they be two separate things or one big thing? Lemme know your thoughts!
Now let’s dive into what I’ve been eating lately!
Lots of yogurt bowl messes have been enjoyed with all the usual culprits- greek yogurt, banana, granola, a teaspoon each of chia, hemp, and cacao nibs, and cocoa powder.
Still loving my South Block acai bowls for lunch, especially over some quality conversation with Georgetown Bestie 🙂 Also, look at that pool of nut butter, my jeezus.
Other days I make my own smoothie bowls for lunch, mostly using this recipe as a base. It’s my absolute fave and is so customizable. I like to replace 1/2 the blueberries with frozen cauliflower or zucchini, and you can’t even taste it!
A celebratory Jeni’s cone to kick off the start of junior year a few weeks back. This was Rocky Road and Goat Cheese Cherry, and it was HEAVEN.
Eggs have been happening a lot for lunch, too. I recently discovered the wonder that is scrambled eggs with mushrooms, garlic, avocado, and salsa on top (that last one is a GAME-CHANGER), and I am never going back.
One day I had a hankering for avocado toast, so I made that and had it with some leftover roasted veggies and then carrots and tomatoes + my bodyweight in hummus. Ugh I love hummus so much.
A really random but satisfying meal. This is a TJ’s veggie sausage that I had with sautéed garlic kale, onions, and cauliflower rice stir fried with some aminos. I topped it all off with some avocado and had the sausage dipped in TJ’s organic ketchup, which for some reason I am currently OBSESSED with.
A recipe of my own making that I made for myself and a friend I invited over for dinner! It was scrumptious, if I do say so myself!
Super random but we have this new raw cookie dough place that opened up near campus, and they catered one of my work events, so I snagged one of the mini jars. It was DELISH. Such a great afternoon snack. 😉
This has been happening on REPEAT. Never gets old. Especially not with the perfect fall Honeycrisp apples ahhhh.
Taco night! Roomie was kind enough to cook one night for dinner, so we all enjoyed the most delicious spelt tortilla tacos! That ground meat looking thing is actually tofu! It was all absolutely delicious, and it’s so nice to have a home cooked meal you don’t need to worry about making sometimes :p Thanks, girl.
I mentioned this in Monday’s post, but I’ve been loving Barre3 for workouts lately. I have now attended 3 classes, and I love that they’re all totally different but are consistently challenging and fun. I always leave feeling invigorated but also with this great satisfied tired feeling. Not wiped, but just like ooh, that was pretty tough, and I did it! I cannot recommend Barre3 enough!
I do kickboxing usually once a week, and some of my favorites are this one, this one, and this one. PERFECT for letting out some excess stress and frustration. 😉
Yoga with Adriene
I’ve sung praises to this lovely gal before, but she is honestly amazing. I have been circling back to her channel more and more in the past few months, as my body has been craving significantly more yoga than high-intensity stuff. She has a wide variety of practices on her channel. Some of my faves are this more intense flow, this deep stretch, and this one.
HIIT (my three faves) – I do still love my HIIT, but oftentimes I have neither the time nor the energy to do it for more than 40 minutes. I’ve been loving these ones that are all around 30 minutes and definitely feel like complete workouts.
25 minute HIIT for people who get bored easily
32 minute bodyweight HIIT cardio workout
37 minute bodyweight HIIT cardio workout
Hollister jeans, Revolve white top, Ugg slip-ons (so comfy and cute, love ’em), Henri Bendel flower necklace.
Island Company button-down that is untucked here, but I actually prefer it partially tucked (got it in Nantucket!), Hollister jeans, Ugg slip-ons. (Peep my Alex And Ani Harry Potter ring too!)
Hollister shorts, green J.Crew top, shoes from Bloomingdales (sorry, can’t find them anymore!).
Island Company top, Hollister shorts, shoes from Nordstrom (sadly sold out), and necklace + bracelet both from Brighton. That necklace is definitely my most-worn piece of jewelry; it goes with everything! You can tell I really like my flowy tops and shorts combo hehe.
Absolutely adore this romper from Anthropologie!
Phew, this was a MONSTER of a post, but like I said, I miss you guys and this space! I guess I’m making up for all the missed posts this week hehe. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed if you made it this far, and I’ll see you super soon with a BRAND NEW podcast episode! <3
Any quick easy lunch ideas? Drop them down below please!
What workouts have you been loving lately?
Best thing you’ve eaten lately?
Cora says
So. Much. Yum. Eggs with salsa and avocado and mushrooms….. yes.
And would you like to hand me some of your style sense? Thanks
Cora recently posted…Surrendering To This Season Of Change (Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Recovery)
Nicole Rosalyn says
Awwww stahp you’re too sweet <3
Mackenzie @ Nibble to Nourish says
I really love this kind of post! I always enjoy seeing the kind of food you eat as a college student so I can incorporate them into my own rotation of meals. In terms of fave lunches, I’ve been loving taco bowls lately. Salads with chopped apple, some kind of meat, a bunch of veggies, and tahini+apple cider vinegar dressing have also been a go-to. For the best, thing I’ve eaten lately, definitely a bunch of vegan curry recipes from the blog Minimalist Baker!
Mackenzie @ Nibble to Nourish recently posted…Easy Buckwheat Porridge (Single Serving!)
Nicole Rosalyn says
Aww glad you like these posts, Mackenzie! Planning to do them around every two weeks! And oooh that salad sounds amazing! I love any kind of bowl recipe with tons of different flavors na textures. And Minimalist Baker is the bomb!
Naomi says
Eggs with veggies, avocado, and salsa is my GO-TO for pretty much every meal. Your yogurt-bowl-mess looks scrumptious. And the raw cookie dough jar! So cute!
LOVE your flowy top and shorts combos! That romper is so adorable on you. And I need that Harry Potter ring.
Naomi recently posted…Journaling Prompt #3
Nicole Rosalyn says
Can’t stop won’t stop with the salsa avo eggs; so frickin’ good! And thank ya so much!!!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
I’m stuck on that ice cream with goat cheese! I need that on my life
Nicole Rosalyn says
Come visit! 🙂
Marcus@strengthery says
That is a lot of great food. Feeling so hungry now haha.
I am also a big fan of Adrienna. She is simply the best online yoga teacher.
Marcus@strengthery recently posted…Pure Wave Vs Theragun: Which Is Best For You?
Nicole Rosalyn says
Yes!! Haha I know, great food and yoga, what could be better?